What Time Does BB&T Direct Deposit Hit?

The BB&T was originally founded in 1891, and the headquarters of this financial institution lay in Charlotte, North Carolina. BB&T does a great job in providing their customers with impeccable services, proven by the number of years they have been doing business and the number of people using their services. 

BB&T Direct Deposit typically hits between 12 am, and 6 am on a business day. However, it’s important to keep in mind that there may be some variance depending on your specific account and the type of deposit you’re making.

For more information, be sure to speak with a BB&T representative. Thank you for your question!

The Truist Financial Corporation is a bank holding company that was founded in 2019 as a result of the merger with BB&T and SunTrust Banks.

BB&T Direct Deposit

Setting up your direct deposit at BB&T is a fantastic choice. It is a much safer option than taking physical checks since with direct deposit; you lose the option of losing your checks or getting them stolen. Also, setting up your direct deposit will save you much time since you won’t have to visit the bank to get a hold of your paycheck. Setting up your direct deposit account is easy, and you can do it by following the few simple steps mentioned on their webpage. 

To set up your direct deposit at BB&T, you will need to give your employer the direct deposit form, which he will need to fill up and deliver to the bank after it’s filled up and signed. 

Another interesting benefit of having a direct deposit is that it is an eco-friendly way of receiving your money since you will avoid printing out physical checks if you have a direct deposit. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit Hit Early?

No, BB&T does not direct deposit early. In most cases with BB&T, your direct deposit will hit on the same day it has been deposited. But, in some cases, it does happen that the deposit hits even one day after it was deposited; also, keep in mind that public holidays and bank holidays are non-working days which means that you will have to wait for the next business day for your money to be available in this case. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Friday?

Yes, BB&T does make direct deposits on Friday. If your direct deposit has been deposited on a Thursday or Friday before 6 pm, your direct deposit will be available on the same given Friday. But, remember that BB&T does not do business on public holidays, which means that if the Friday you’re expecting your money to arrive is a public holiday, your money will be available in your account on the next business day. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Saturday?

No, BB&T does not make direct deposits on Saturday. Saturdays are non-business days for BB&T, and if your money has been deposited on Saturday, your money will be available for your use on the next business day, which will most probably be Monday after that given weekend. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Sunday?

No, BB&T does not make direct deposits on Sunday. BB&T does not do business on Sunday, so the money deposited on that day will be available for your use on the next business day.

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Monday?

Yes, BB&T does make direct deposits on Mondays. BB&T will ensure that all the deposits sent over the weekend, and most sent on Monday before 6 pm EST, will be deposited into your account and available for you to spend or save if that Monday is not a public holiday or a bank holiday. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Tuesday?

Yes, BB&T does make direct deposits on Tuesdays. If you expected your direct deposit to hit on a Tuesday, we have good news for you. If the deposit is sent any time between 12 am and 6 pm EST on a Tuesday, your deposit will probably be available for your use on the same day; if not, then on the next business day. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Wednesday?

Yes, BB&T does make direct deposits on Wednesday. Keep in mind that if your money has been deposited on a Wednesday that happens to be a public holiday, your money will be available for your use on the next business day. 

Does BB&T Direct Deposit on Thursday?

Yes, BB&T does make direct deposits on Thursdays. BB&T does business on Thursdays, which means your money will be deposited into your account on that day. Direct deposits are generally not held in banks, meaning your money will be available for your use as soon as it is deposited into your account. 


BB&T is a great financial institution to have your direct deposit in. Direct deposit in BB&T hits any time between 12 am and 6 pm EST on a business day. BB&T does not do business on public and bank holidays, and if you expect your direct deposit to hit early in BB&T, we will have to disappoint you. Remember, having your money directly deposited into your account is much safer than any other option. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What time does direct deposit hit Truist?

Truist, formerly known as SunTrust, is a financial services company that offers direct deposit services to its customers. Direct deposits typically hit Truist accounts on the same day that they are submitted by the employer, usually before 9:00 AM ET. Customers can check the status of their deposits by logging into their online banking accounts or by calling the customer service line.

What time does BB&T deposit checks?

BB&T typically deposits checks into customers’ accounts within one business day of the check being deposited. The exact time of the deposit will depend on the customer’s account type and the time the check was deposited. Customers can check their accounts online or through the BB&T mobile app to see when the check has been deposited.

How long does it take for a direct deposit from BB&T?

BB&T typically processes direct deposits within 1-2 business days. Funds may be available for use on the same day the deposit is processed, but this varies depending on the timing and type of deposit. Customers can check the status of their direct deposit through their online banking account or by contacting their local BB&T branch.

What time should my direct deposit hit?

Direct deposits typically arrive in a bank account on the same day as the scheduled payment date, but the exact time of day can vary depending on the bank and the type of payment. Generally, direct deposits are available in the early morning hours, usually between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. local time. Customers should contact their bank directly for specific information about when their direct deposit will hit their account.
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