What Time Does Paypal Direct Deposit Hit?

PayPal is a fantastic online payment system that offers many services for its customers and makes paying for things online, as well as sending or receiving money, so much easier; not only that, it is a very safe online payment system. 

So, what time does PayPal direct deposit hit? If you have your money deposited by 8 pm EST on weekdays, then your PayPal Direct Deposit will hit your bank account on the same day. However, if you have your money deposited after 8 pm EST or on the weekend, then it will hit your bank account on the next business day.

PayPal Direct Deposit

Direct deposit is a very useful way of receiving your monthly paycheck or any money that should be deposited into your money. It saves you a trip to the bank and ensures a safe way of receiving your paycheck.

With direct deposit, you lose the possibility of getting your check stolen or lost, and with PayPal, you get many benefits apart from those mentioned above.

Setting up your direct deposit account is easy, and everything is done through the app; all you need to do is the following:

1.Log in to your PayPal account;

2.Select Settings;

3.Click on Set up or view direct deposit;

4.Here, you will be given your PayPal assigned account as well as your PayPal routing number;

5.Give these details to your employer to set up your direct deposit account and start receiving money this way.

As you can see, setting up your PayPal direct deposit account is easier, and it only takes a few minutes.

Other benefits of setting up your direct deposit account include that the money moves seamlessly from your Payers account to yours; also, direct deposit at PayPal has no fees, and it’s free to set up your account.

Another interesting benefit is that setting up your direct deposit is eco-friendly since you will avoid printing out physical checks. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit Early?

Yes, PayPal makes direct deposits early. PayPal offers the opportunity to you to receive your direct deposit up to two days early, which is another advantage because you will get a chance to enjoy your funds before the actual set date. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Friday?

Yes, PayPal does make direct deposits on Friday. If your money has been sent on a Friday by 8 pm EST, you can expect to receive it on the same given date; however you’ll have to check if that given Friday is not a public or bank holiday since, as mentioned previously, PayPal doesn’t do business on those days. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Saturday?

No, PayPal does not make direct deposits on Saturday. Weekends are non-working days for PayPal, so if your money is sent over the weekend, don’t count on it to be available in your account before the next business day, which will most probably be the Monday after that.

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Sunday?

No, PayPal does not make direct deposits on Sunday. Sundays are also non-working days for PayPal, meaning that if your employer sends your direct deposit on that day or any later than 8 pm on a Friday, you will be receiving your money on the next business day. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Monday?

Yes, PayPal does make direct deposits on Mondays. Monday is the first working day after the weekend for PayPal, meaning that the transactions received on that day and transactions received over the weekend will all be deposited into users accounts on that day. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Tuesday?

Yes, PayPal does make direct deposits on Tuesday. If your money is deposited by 8 pm EST on a Tuesday, the funds will be available for your use on the same given day if the given Tuesday was not considered a public or bank holiday, as said previously. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Wednesday?

Yes, PayPal makes direct deposits on Wednesday. This is yet another business day for PayPal on which all the deposits received by 8 pm EST are deposited into their users accounts; any deposits made later than that will be deposited on the next business day. 

Does PayPal Direct Deposit on Thursday?

Yes, PayPal makes direct deposits on Thursday. As soon as PayPal receives the payment from your employer on a Thursday, the money will be deposited into your account if you have PayPal’s two days early access set up on your PayPal account. 


PayPal has been around long enough and has perfected its services. Setting up your direct deposit account on PayPal is easier; more importantly, it’s very safe. It allows you to get your money without paying a visit to any banks. Also, PayPal gives you the option to receive your money up to two days early, and gives you more time to handle your money that you would have without a direct deposit account, and all you need to do to get that option is set it up on your app. They direct deposits any day from Monday to Friday, and keep in mind that the public holidays are not business days for them.

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